

vincent chin 40th anniversary

Commemorating the 40-year anniversary of the passing of Vincent Chin. His death and injustice in the legal system sparked the Asian American movement 40-years ago. The conditions that led to his death was scapegoating of Japanese Americans due to economic pressures facing U.S. auto companies. The same economic competition scapegoating continues today with anti-China rhetoric that has led to the historic rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and opened a window to shed light on anti-Asian racism at all levels of our society.

  • 4:30 PM - Doors open, sign-in
  • 5 PM - Mingling and Partial screening of “Who Killed Vincent Chin” documentary by PBS
  • 6 PM - Panel
  • Anne Shaw, Civil Rights Lawyer, Shaw Legal Services, Ltd.
  • Faith Le, JD Candidate, UIC Law
  • Karen Su, PhD, Faculty in Global Asian Studies @UIC
  • People Matter - Consuela Hendricks and Angela Lin
  • 7 PM - Q&A
  • 7:30 - Mingling




June 23rd, 2022 5-8:00PM


The Wing Chicago

811 W Fulton Market fl 2, Chicago, IL 60607
