
Member Spotlight

Victoria li

Main Board Chair

Senior Learning and Development Manager

Miss Chinese Chicago 2022 Second Princess & Talent

What’s your favorite thing about Chi-AWE?

We can be empowered at any age! In my late 20s, I found my confidence. Through Chi-AWE's various programs, participants can find empowerment through a variety of options: pageantry, modeling, hosting workshops, etc.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I was in a body positivity music video! Search up "I Love My Body" my Elle Baez on YouTube

If not at a Chi-AWE event, where can we find you?

Creativing videos promoting body positivity for my online pages @MidsizeAsianQueen!

Professional Bio

Victoria Li works as a Senior Learning & Development Manager at a consulting firm and is an MBA student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She graduated from Dartmouth College with a major in Economics and minor in Chinese language.