

Talia Choi


2024 Fashion Show Committee Co-Chair

Associate Product Manager

Former Main Board Member

What’s your favorite thing about Chi-AWE?

Definitely the fact that we do so much for the AAPI community. My favorite part of being a board member is chaperoning the pageant contestants/titleholders a community events. I’m a very outgoing person and I love to socialize, and Chi-AWE gives me opportunities to give back whilst having fun at these events. Also, I love event planning and in another life I would’ve been an event planner, so Chi-AWE gives me an outlet for doing the two things I love the most.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I LOVE going to concerts, and so far I’ve been to over 100 concerts! My favorite genre of music is country, believe it or not!

If not at a chi-awe event, where can we find you?

At a Subtle Asian Chicago gathering! I’m an admin and I organize a lot of social events.

Professional Bio

Talia Choi is an Associate Product Manager at Uline and earned her MBA from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management and her Bachelor of Business Administration from Wisconsin School of Business.